Meet Your Photographer!

It’s me, I’m your Photographer

Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Camryn Windings. Let’s see… I’m a mom, wife, dog mom, barista, and obviously, photographer. As I’m writing this, I’m trying to think, “what would someone want to know about me? I’m just taking their pictures…” so I guess I’ll start with the essentials. I’ve been taking pictures for about 4 years now, and I have always prioritized serving others as the main goal of this little side hustle. That’s one reason I keep my prices low. I’m not just saying that to try to sell myself to you— I’m really saying it because I truly believe that a good quality photographer is a service that should be available to everyone, because everyone deserves an opportunity to capture and memorialize all of life’s most precious memories.

SO with that out of the way, here’s the “less essential” info! Pictured to the right is my family. Starting from the right, you have me, our dog Obi, my husband Connor, and our precious baby girl Eden Rae. When I’m not taking pictures, I enjoy being a stay at home Mom half the time, and then the other half of the time I work as a barista at our local coffee shop and as a social media manager/business administrator for our local Woodworking business. My faith leads my life as a christian, and I can honestly say that every single opportunity I have in my life is from God. Every good and perfect thing, and every light shining in the midst of a valley. If you get anything from visiting my page, regardless of if you hire me or not, I want you to get this: God is calling to you, or he is nurturing you, or both. Where the sheared is, there is peace. If you are searching for peace, or longing for fulfillment, don’t ignore that voice calling out to you. Spoiler alert: it’s the good shepherd leaving his flock, and calling out for his lost sheep.

Thank you so much for visiting my page and taking the time to read a little but about me! I can't wait to work with you if you believe we're a good fit; if not, shoot me a message and I bet I can change your mind ;)